Breaking Free: Finding Freedom From The Captivity of Strongholds


Introduction Preview:

This manual has two main objectives: to understand the different dynamics of a stronghold and to initially breakthrough the ungodly stronghold and evict the enemy. The first two chapters describe the dynamics of a stronghold and the weapons we use to tear them down. Chapters four through eleven address some of the most frequent strongholds that people face. We describe the characteristics of each one and then offer a strategy to breaking through and tearing them down. The list of strongholds we deal with is not exhaustive. There are many other common strongholds in people’s lives like, envy, manipulation, failure, religious, and ingratitude just to name a few. Perhaps in the future these can be addressed specifically. The strongholds we deal with here seem to be the most common ones that people wrestle with most of the time. The strategies presented in this manual are general in nature. One can use them effectively by following directions described here. At times, it may be necessary to seek the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit for more specific strategies. Stronghold may seem to be custom designed, and may present differently from person to person. The Holy Spirit is good at revealing the key to unraveling a complex stronghold. By no means do we believe every person needs to go through every stronghold mentioned in this manual. They only need to go through the ones that are relevant to their situation. Chapter eleven is different than chapters four through ten. It teaches how to fight the daily battle of lust. It is dealing more with spiritual warfare and staying free than getting free.


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