Preparing For The Father’s Gift


As a fifty-day devotion to be used in conjunction with counting the Omer. As the writing progressed, it became clear that it needed to be used in a much broader and universal way, which makes it a great devotional for any believer seeking our heavenly Father’s counsel, wisdom, or gifts! This devotional is full of insights and revelation ranging from making Aliyah (going up), to the secrets of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet, the Jubilee, Shavu’ot (Pentecost), and much more. It is written in such a way that it lends itself to reading and rereading every fifty days.

What Others Are Saying
It is a blessing to recommend this book, realizing it comes from the understanding of Jewish Messianic Congregations. There is no doubt that both Jew and Gentile need to be encouraged to study and meditate upon God’s Word in these times of confusion and deception. It is today as the prophet Amos said in Amos 8:11 that a day is coming where we will experience a “famine” not of food, but of “hearing the Words of the Lord.” May the Lord bless this effort and draw both Jew and Gentile to the importance of Bible study, meditation, and teaching!
Dr. David Hocking – Teacher, Author, Radio Teacher for “Hope For Today”

Based upon my almost forty years of personally studying the Bible, with an emphasis on acquiring greater understanding by studying words in both Hebrew and Greek, I can truly conclude that Pastor Bruce Dowell is one of the preeminent teachers on the planet unveiling deep Hebrew meanings of Scripture. Pastor Dowell’s book, “Preparing for the Father’s Gift – A Fifty Day Devotional”, is a must-read for those believers who truly want to stay connected to our creator.

Dr. Bill Henderson – Teacher, Author, Evangelist,
original member of the Power Team.

—Pastor Bruce Dowell


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